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What is the product specifically RAFT is the open-source "container" for urban bioretention and other (BMPs) Best Management Practices and technologies to be held within. It consists of wall panels, frame, inlet boxes, inlet grates, and a pretreatment cell for sediment/debris capture.

If RAFT is just the container, then what defines the BMP within The BMP within RAFT should be defined by a licensed professional in accordance with local guidelines. RAFT is designed to comply with the 2019 Washington State Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual, but a range of complimentary products may be used.

What are the benefits of using urban bioretention Urban bioretention is an excellent way to supplement existing stormwater infrastructure to reduce flooding, create habitat, and soften the built environment. It can be very cost effective and implemented gradually to accommodate a range of budgets.

How much time does it take to install RAFT can be assembled as quickly as 30 linear feet per hour. The site prep and BMP portions require additional time and vary widely on the crew and site conditions.

How long are lead times InfraSGA is a young company and limited by manufacturing supply logistics. A general estimate of 12-14 weeks should be considered.

Why is the post and panel assembly so important The largest cost for urban bioretention is the container holding the BMP. This is due to material, equipment, and labor costs. The post and panel system is the key to simplifying component parts (lower material cost), reducing weight for small equipment use (lower equipment cost), and slashing installation time (lower labor costs). The system does not require mechanical fasteners or special equipment to assemble. Using the preassembled FRP frames allows panels to slide into place and interlock. Think of building blocks linking together to create a strong end unit.

What are the materials and why do they matter The materials used in urban bioretention are exposed to constant moisture, corrosive materials, freeze/thaw cycles, and general urban abuse. RAFT accounts for these conditions in the material choices to offer superior resistance to all of these conditions. Refer to page 4 for Product Materials specifics.

Why aren’t you on the DEQ BMP Clearinghouse website RAFT is the "container" for urban bioretention and other Best Management Practices to be held within. RAFT by itself is not a BMP product that can be approved for the DEQ BMP Clearinghouse. It is, however, capable of holding a range of DEQ BMP Clearinghouse approved soil mixes and was designed to be functionally equivalent to a BMP "bioretention planter" or "planter box" when used for treating stormwater.

Do you have proof the product functions RAFT has been successfully implemented on several pilot projects as of Fall 2023. A prototype has been functional since Spring 2022 as seen on in the time-lapse video.

What if something goes wrong We are committed to making RAFT the best solution for stormwater Best Management Practices. If something goes wrong, we want to hear about the concern and help solve it. InfraSGA wants to make a positive impact for our customers and our environment and successful projects are the backbone of our mission.

121 Tazewell St

Norfolk, VA 23510



InfraSGA RAFT Bioretention system - © InfraSGA, Inc.

Allied Organizations

Chinese Patent: No. 2020800082842

Australian Patent: No. 2020206670

Patent Pending (US, Can, EU)

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